Solar power
The solar power is associated to solar radiation and it is the primary source of power on the earth which makes life possible.
From this power, al least all the other power sources available for mankind (for example fossil fuels, wind power, wave power, hydroelectric power, biomass energy, except for geothermal energy and tidal power) derive more or less directly. It can be used for power purposes, in order to produce heat or electricity with different types of systems.
A correct use of the light must keep into account the quality of the architectural space in order to create a possible interaction between the buildings and the sorrounding space.
The lamps, which are also called light sources, are the core of every lighting system and they can be classified as solid and gas material sources. The incandescent lamps and the LEDs belong to the solid material sources category, whereas the blended, discharge and induction lamps belong to the gas material sources category.
In order to create a correct lighting, it is necessary to define the type of light diffusion, according to:
- Direct light: It is necessary when a concentration of light is required, as for example, on the kitchen, writing or working table and in the reading room.
- Indirect light: It is recommended for the general lighting of the rooms. The lamp is hidden and the lighting is obtained through reflection on clear surfaces. It must be integrated by direct or diffused light lamps that concentrate the light in the useful zones.
- Diffused light: It is given off by desk or floor lamps, which are able to create a special atmosphere.
- Directional light: It is recommended for lighting far surfaces, like pictures and zones and it is given off by floor or wall projectors (that will have a very narrow optical aperture), which are able to create a concentration of clear light.
Home automation
Home automation is the science about the application of electronics and IT (Information Technology) in the organization of home life.
It was born during the Third Industrial Revolution with the purpose of studying, finding instruments and strategies, in order to:
- improve the quality of life;
- improve safety;
- simplify the installation and the maintenance of the technology;
- reduce the management costs;
- transform the old rooms and the old systems.