A correct use of the light must keep into account the quality of the architectural space in order to create a possible interaction between the buildings and the sorrounding space.
The lamps, which are also called light sources, are the core of every lighting system and they can be classified as solid and gas material sources. The incandescent lamps and the LEDs belong to the solid material sources category, whereas the blended, discharge and induction lamps belong to the gas material sources category.
In order to create a correct lighting, it is necessary to define the type of light diffusion, according to:
- Direct light: It is necessary when a concentration of light is required, as for example, on the kitchen, writing or working table and in the reading room.
- Indirect light: It is recommended for the general lighting of the rooms. The lamp is hidden and the lighting is obtained through reflection on clear surfaces. It must be integrated by direct or diffused light lamps that concentrate the light in the useful zones.
- Diffused light: It is given off by desk or floor lamps, which are able to create a special atmosphere.
- Directional light: It is recommended for lighting far surfaces, like pictures and zones and it is given off by floor or wall projectors (that will have a very narrow optical aperture), which are able to create a concentration of clear light.
Inner spaces
When you decide to furnish a house or a working place, the lighting of the inner spaces is a very important aspect to be taken into consideration, as well as the space look, the type of rooms to be lighted and the type of persons that will use them, the use that will be done and the effect that you want to obtain.
Each room must have a completely different type of lighting: for example, in the bed room it is necessary a more comfortable and soft light; in the dining and living rooms a strong light is required, the same light for the reading room, whichyou must be quite strong not to strain your eyes, but not blinding, not to feel uncomfortable; in the tv zone you must use some lamps that allow you to watch the tv without blindings.
In the working rooms the atmosphere is not important, so the intensity, the type of lighting, the colour and the chromatic effects of the light must be chosen according to the location.
Once the type of lamp to use got established, the lamps can be chosen on the basis of their look.
Fountains, swimming pools and water springs
The double property of water to reflect and transmit light is used to create several special effects, among which the total reflection effect. The only precaution is the choice of waterproof lamps.
Façades, buildings and architectures
Normally, façades are never fully lighted but only some elements are lighted. Sometimes windows and opening are used to create an inner lighting.
Some years ago, a new type of lighting, called "artistic lighting", spread.
Thanks to the development of new technologies, It was possible to realize virtual scenic designs through the use of light, especially that of LEDs, which are characterized by their chromatic dynamism. The result is a sort of theatre stage.
Monuments and works of art
The lighting, in this case, is realized according to the regulations of the Sovrintendenza per i Beni Culturali and, as a consequence, is organised not for fields of interest but for systems, so on the observation points and directions to privilege/prefer, so as the monument isn't isolated and on the shadows (especially for the lighting of group of sculptures or of very complex architectures), by a corrective or a fill-in light.
Structures for sports facilities
The analysis of the lighting of sports facilities is made, mostly, on the type of sport occurring, on the athlets and the viewers in the gallery, that they must have an appropriate quantity of lighting.
Urban lighting
In the urban project, the lighting has a fundamental role because manages to highlight and intensify some important aspects of an area or of a street. Moreover, It is an instrument capable of change the aspect of buildings and squares completely, without changing the shapes, so underlining how a place can change from the day to the night.
Beginning from the result that you want to obtain, you have to consider, among the fundamental aspects, besides the safety of the road lighting, the light pollution, the energy saving and, in the end, the reduction in prices. This parameter has become more and more important and the artificial light represents an instrument of knowing the city, which is useful for the requalification works.
The energy saving in the project of urban lighting
The urban lighting has big disadvantages in terms of costs, maintenance and, above all, consumption of electricity.
But today the new technologies try to solve this problem by creating a lighting able to permit a careful control and a reduction of the consumption of electricity. In this sense, the LEDs are particularly important, especially for outside spaces. At first, they were used only in residential roads and for the urban decorative lighting, but now they are successful because they are very adaptable from the point of view of project (for their fast lighting, for the possibility of regulating the flux and the colour on the basis of hours, for the possibility of reducing consumptions until 70% and for the non-emission of UV and IR; then, they can be easily recycled because they don't contain mercury or other chemical and polluting substances), and they apply very well for the most diverse lighting applications.
The LEDs exist in different colours and combinations: It is possible to create all the colour shades through RGB systems (Red, Green, Blue), with remarkable results on façades and squares; and It is possible to vary the colour temperature of white (from a hotter colour, like amber, to a neuter white and, in the end, to colder white) through AWB systems (Amber, White, Blue).
But the most important innovation is the launch of the telecontrol lighting systems, that is to say, advanced instruments that allow you to constantly control the conditions of the systems, to know in real-time the possible damages, to decide in a flexible way how, where and when lighting, switching off or reducing the light flux of each lamp, with the possibility of intervening even on already exixting systems. Moreover, this allows you to have an important energy saving.
The light pollution
The light pollution is an alteration of the levels of lighting which there are naturally in nighttime and it is a problem constantly present during the lighting design of outside places (even if It does not directly damage the health of people). The most damaged territory areas are those with a large number of urban buildings.
The first criterion to be considered in order to limit effectively the light pollution is do not overlight, that is, you must use the indispensable levels of lighting and you mustn't use levels of lighting greater than the minimum provided by the safety norms. As a consequence, you must reduce the levels of lighting in those hours in which the characteristics of use of the surface allow it: if after a certain hour the light is no more used, It can be switched off
Then, you try to reduce the direct dispersion of light of the lighting systems out of the areas that are about to be lighted (by using cut-off lamps in all systems, both public and private). In the end, you try to mazimize the portion of light producted by the system and that is really used to light up the surface (also called utilance), in order to reduce the dispersion of light in the sorrounding areas to a minimum.

Ponte Vecchio Firenze
Progettazione e realizzazione del sistema di illuminazione per la serata dedicata all'Inferno di Dante sul ponte Vecchio a Firenze.
Villa Calchi a Calcio
Progettazione e realizzazione del sistema di illuminazione per gli esterni e gli interni di Villa Calchi a Calcio (LC).